These professionals are capable of working on most modern equipment ensuring the best possible quality of data to be obtained, even in difficult areas. They have worked with many different companies and know a lot about seismic quality control.

Our seismic QC consultants make sure that you are getting what you pay for, not just that you are not getting unacceptable data, by working with the seismic contractors and advising them and helping to get the best data possible. They ensure that the seismic program is carried out as per given guidelines and outlines, report any and all the major problems to the client. They also report any deliberate or in-deliberate deviations and give their recommendations for suitable amendments.

Seismic exploration has become more complex over the years and there are a lot of things that needed to look at to make sure that the client is getting value for the money. Having an experienced seismic QC consultant to birddog operations in the field saves the client from dealing with the minor problems that can arise on any seismic survey. Of course, if a major problem comes up things are always confirmed with the client.


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